Vaclava Smitkova - Curriculum vitae
- 1984 - 1989
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Study. Graduation with a degree from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics with a special emphasis in "Numerical mathematics and algorithms".
- 1989 - 1990
Technical University of Pilsen (now University of West Bohemia)
Residency at the Department of Technical Cybernetics.
- 1990 - 2003
Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Computer programmer and mathematician at the Computer Laboratory. Field of work: programming, desktop publishing, and statistical analyses. Research area: mathematical methods and algorithms in computer simulation of biological systems and the studies of their behavior via dynamical models.
1994 - 1999: Head of the Computer Laboratory. Field of work: management of information systems both in the higher education and in the health care domains.
- since 1995
European Centre for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology of Charles University and Academy of Sciences (EuroMISE Centre)
External teacher.
- since 1997
University Hospital in Pilsen
Medical informatician and webdesigner.
- since 2003
Biopsy Laboratory Ltd.
webdesigner (see Webdesign), specialist for medical web applications.
Memberships in scientific societies
- Czech Society for Health Informatics and Scientific Information (under Czech Medical Society of J.F.Purkyne)
- Czech Society for Biomedical Enginnering (under Czech Medical Society of J.F.Purkyne)
- INABIS (Internet Association for Biomedical Sciences),
member of Council
- Society for Internet in Medicine